Monday, February 24, 2014


If you can accept people who believe in Jesus the Son of Allah when this goes against Islamic doctrine why can’t you also accept those who reject the Hadith (when Christians too reject the Hadith) on grounds that it goes against Islamic doctrine?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
PAS tolak fahaman bertentangan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah
(Bernama) – PAS menolak sebarang fahaman yang bertentangan dengan akidah Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah di negara ini, kata Timbalan Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu.
Beliau berkata fahaman seumpama itu adalah bahaya dan umat Islam perlu bersatu menentang ideologi yang bercanggah dengan asas ajaran Islam termasuk menolak hadis.

“Pandangan sebegini sebenarnya terlalu bahaya untuk umat Islam kerana hadis adalah sumber rujukan selepas Al-Quran dan tidak wajar untuk kita memperlekehkannya,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas perasmian Munaqasah Ucapan Dasar Presiden PAS Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang di sini, hari ini.
Mohamad atau lebih dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas isu bekas aktivis politik Dr Kassim Ahmad yang didakwa mengeluarkan kenyataan yang boleh menyesatkan akidah umat Islam, baru-baru ini.
Seminar ‘Pemikiran Kassim Ahmad: Suatu Penilaian’ di Putrajaya pada 15 dan 16 Feb lepas mengundang kontroversi apabila beliau mempertikaikan hadis selain meletakkan ulama Islam setaraf dengan ‘kasta’ paderi Kristian.
Perkara itu kini disiasat Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Jawi).
The opposition supporters scream ABU, which means ‘anything but Umno’. PAS is not Umno. In fact, PAS is a member of the opposition coalition called Pakatan Rakyat. Hence the church people, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the atheists, the ancestor worshippers, and whatnot, accept, support and vote for PAS.
PAS, however, rejects all non-Sunni Muslims (Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah). I suppose this has to include Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, ancestor worshippers, etc., since all these people do not believe in the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah as well.
This sounds like the Church of England back in the 1500s declaring all Catholics, Jews, Muslims and other pagans as infidels who should be banned from England and killed if they ever dare step foot on English soil.
So, by its own admission, PAS does not allow freedom of religion after all. It will, however, allow Christians to use ‘Jesus the Son of Allah’ in the Malay language Bible because that is politically expedient and will translate into many votes for Pakatan Rakyat. But it will not allow fellow-Muslims the freedom to use Allah and declare themselves Muslims unless they are Sunnis or Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah, the only brand of Islam that PAS will accept.
PAS has to be very clear about its stand regarding religious freedom and religious tolerance. It cannot in one breath say “only this and no other” when it does not bring in votes and in another breath say “anything goes” when it can bring in plenty of votes.
If you can accept people who believe in Jesus the Son of Allah when this goes against Islamic doctrine why can’t you also accept those who reject the Hadith (when Christians too reject the Hadith) on grounds that it goes against Islamic doctrine?
An infidel is an infidel. Those who reject Prophet Muhammad and declare that Jesus is the Son of Allah are infidels. Those who accept Prophet Muhammad but reject the Hadith are also infidels. So why can you accept one infidel but not the other?
This sounds very confusing, contradictory and hypocritical. Must you always take a stand based on how many votes you can win even though that stand may run contra to Islamic doctrine? This is beginning to sound more political than religious.